Here are a few FAQ’s we’ve been receiving about Liam’s Tasty Creations. Please feel free to Contact Us directly with any questions or concerns not addressed here. 

How do I purchase treats from LTC? 

Pre-orders can be placed online via this site and paid for in advance. You can also buy directly from us in person at the market for that week. **Other options for local pickup or special orders will be explored on a case by case basis and as we grow as a business**. 

How do I get my treats?

If you’ve placed an order through our online site, you can pick up your goodies in person at that week’s market or bake sale location. Please check back for future information regarding local pickup options TBD.

Do you offer any other treats that are not listed? 

As we are just starting out, we have decided to limit our menu to 5 signature items. We will add seasonal items and look to expand our menu with suggestions from our customer base and for future growth. 

How can I pay for my treats? 

There are currently 3 methods of payment available at our markets and bake sales: cash, credit/debit, or Apple/Google Pay. These are through our card reader system. 

If you place a preorder on our website, you can choose to use our payment provider gateway through Shopify Paymentd or PayPal to pay for your order. 

Who runs Liam’s Tasty Creations? 

LTC is a labour of love by a young entrepreneur with dreams of owning a bakery business. Family members help support LTC in a variety of ways while Liam focusses on baking the treats and perfecting the recipes. Liam's parents (Lisa & Dale) handle all business aspects (e.g. marketing, website, finances), provide coaching, help with baking and recipe creation, and help guide Liam in the business world in making decisions. Liam's siblings are also actively involved in helping out with age appropriate tasks and supporting the family business. 

Where are you located? 

LTC is located in north Vernon, British Columbia.  We will be selling our treats throughout the Okanagan region as we expand our business. 

Do you ship any of your treats?

No. At this time, we cannot guarantee the quality of our goods or the affordability if we ship our treats. Sorry for the inconvenience! Please come visit us if you're in the area! 

Do you offer refunds?

We offer refunds and partial refunds on a case by case basis. Because of the nature of the food industry and the small margins, we will do our best to provide you with the highest quality of products through LTC. We will exchange treats in good faith, and offer a discount on your purchase or credit for future treats. 

Do you have any allergy-friendly items on your menu? 

Currently we use whole food, high quality ingredients in all our treats that have been tested for freshness, flavour, and quality in our recipes. We do not have any products that are certified organic, kosher, gluten free, dairy free, nut free, or allergen free. As we use our home kitchen to bake and we use wheat flour, dairy, eggs, and other common allergens in our baking and cooking, there may be cross-contamination that occurs and we cannot guarantee any of our treats to be allergen-free at this time. As we continue to expand our customer base and our business it is part of our business plan to offer allergen-friendly options.