Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year 2024!

We hope you have had a great holiday season and are headed into the new year with anticipation and maybe even a bit of excitement. 

Here at Liam's Tasty Creations we've been enjoying some much needed downtime after a WHIRLWIND December and Christmas season. Thanks to all your support we were baking and fulfilling orders right up until the 23rd! What a fabulous introduction to the local supportive community. 

So, with all that being said, we are taking a full break for the month of JANUARY. We need time to plan, organize, regroup, and figure out next steps for this coming year. 

We already have some big plans and big dreams for expanding Liam's Tasty Creations and are excited to share soon, so please check back and follow our social media channels for updates. 

If you would like to talk to us about custom baking orders for February or beyond, please CONTACT US as we're happy to discuss possibilities and work with you. 

Thanks so much for welcoming this small lemonade stand-turned business into your hearts and community. We are thrilled and hopeful for the future for Liam and our family. 

See you again soon! 

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